Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We have been thinking for awhile about all of the many little miracles we have seen during the last couple of months. We didn't want to type about this until we had received some concrete news about our daughters tumor, but we have decided that whatever the out come of this cancer diagnosis we can't discount all of the small miracles we have seen throughout this process this far. We wouldn't want to forget these wonderful miracles and the best way to remember them is by writing it down. The tumor was caught before it had spread to other areas. The outpouring of support, compassion and encouragement we have received from family, friends, associates, neighbors and those we have never met. Our daughter has not had any fevers while in between treatments. She has dodged sickness that other family members have had (it is so hard to not spread sickness in a house full of kids). She has seemed to feel quite well during the weeks in between treatments. She hasn't had mouth sores. Her hearing is still normal. She hasn't lost much weight. She hasn't had any urgent visits to the children's hospital. Our nurse came in at the right time when she was having an allergic reaction to the etoposide. I say all of these things with the knowledge that we are not in the clear and anything can happen. We are so grateful for all of these little miracles that our family and our little girl has received. We know that she is being blessed because of the faith and prayers of everyone that hears about her. We have heard from friends and family that have run into people they don't know or only know a little that know about our little girl and her cancer. They will say, " I know about that little girl, I have heard her story, we are praying for her and her family". We are so grateful to everyone that is concerned for her, thinks about her and hopes for her full recovery, and those who pray for her. We know that she is being watched over and helped during this trying time in her life. We can't thank you all enough!!!!


akelly said...

You are an example to us all! I am sure you have your down moments but I thank you for your motivation to focus on the "up" moments.

Janae B said...

We sometimes think of miracles during the time of our Savior and the ones written in the Bible and that we see in our favorite church videos. We know how precious children are to our Savior and He does bless with modern day miracles. We also feel these little miracles thus far and continually pray for them to continue. Yes we also from experience know that we there can be any outcome, but we also know how much the Savior loves each one of us and is watching over us in all things.